In Short…

  • Understand conjoint analysis.
  • Predict market shares for a new product.
  • Estimate the market share of a product using the market simulator.
  • Design a product by choosing the best attributes.

Additional reading on Conjoint Analysis:

Conjoint Analysis for Product Managers and Innovators

Conjoint Analysis and Different Outputs

Note: These are notes from the ISB Executive Education – Product Management program for my personal consumption.

In case you are looking for a Product Management course, I would highly recommend joining this cohort-based course.

PS: You can connect with me for review or referral discount (link for referral discount)


Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer (if any)

When I am not working/watching movies/reading books/traveling, you can reach me via my Twitter/LinkedIn or you can contact me here

Categories: Product Management