During my 1st semester of MBA, we had to do a solo project as part of the curriculum. At that time a friend was working on Opinia 360. I absolutely loved the idea and still do. Its a shame that it never saw the light of the day the way it could. But then we can say the same thing about the state of democracy. As of 2020 the project has been rounded up (assumption) but the idea is too good to be not shared

On 9th November 2016, Hillary Clinton called up the now 45th president of the United States of America, Donald Trump to congratulate him for trouncing her 304-228 in Electoral College as her worst nightmare came to life. On 2nd October 2016, Columbians were left open-mouthed when plebiscite to ratify the deal between the government and FARC was ‘unsuccessful’ with 50.2% voters deciding to forgo peace and common sense. On 24th June 2016, the whole world was left into uncertainty with 51.89% of UK population opting for BREXIT and ending marginalization of the “minorities”.
What’s the one common theme between all three?
Every major opinion poll showed clear majority for the popular opinion, only to be clotheslined by reality. These are the times when democracy makes a comeback and democracy is the cornerstone of Opinia360.
Opinia360, an analysis tool with an exciting and simple engagement platform, aims to represent the real will of real people. This will is not limited to just events of major importance at fixed intervals but also traverse different aspects like how government should run, how good was that Coldplay concert, which is the favorite soap brand among consumers or simply where to go to have a decent meal. The world might be under the lens of social media and connected all the time, but there is a need to quantify these opinions and feedbacks. This dearth of accountability by Facebook, Google, etc., gives Opinia360 an opportunity to seize the market by storm and make “getting our Opinion simple”.
Opinia360, a suite of three application
- Live Opinia,
- Opinia Poll, and
- My Opinia
It aims achieve its destination and help people and businesses reach theirs by rolling out these three applications. These are for different pair of user groups to cover different area of things that matter. The success of these apps lie in the hands of two major stakeholders:
- Accumulators : those who collect opinions
- Respondents: those who provide opinions and feedback
LiveOpinia is a Business Solution application of Opinia360 . It enables organizations and select individuals to crowd source opinions from a target segment at a reasonable cost. On one hand corporates, public figures, TV programs, event management companies have an instrument which enables them to deconstruct the data on the basis of their choice of parameters such as – gender, age, location, occupation, financial status, etc., and on the other hand the people can genuinely influence the way of things happen with real time feedback, direct communication with the other party, becoming part of decision making process, etc.
Providing clients the option of Code based invitation diminishes instances of bogus voting.
Request-based invitations gives the client an opportunity to asses a user before he joins.
To give the client even better prospects, there is another Code+Request option, with all three priced accordingly.
OpiniaPoll is a company controlled feature designed to create multiple polls, surveys and quizzes with social interest influencing the ambit of the subjects. It is further demarcated into
- OpiniaFlash: increasing usage frequency and customer retention
- Category Poll: acquaints them with their area of interest via Opinia feed system
MyOpinia is the epitome of democratic nature of the Opinia360 ecosystem with users creating their own polls, receiving opinions and feedbacks and circulating with their own circle. While the other two applications have a revenue stream, MyOpinia is solely to meet the needs and demands of the ever-curious generation.
Opinia 360 sounds too good to be true, right? Even YourStory did a write up about it in 2014. The above was the abstract of my project. According to me, Opinia 360 team needed to define a STP strategy. In my project I discussed how Opinia 360 can go about it as well. Maybe it was not to be. In the hindsight, everybody is right, but I do foresee a product like this making its mark in the future.
If you have an opinion about products like Opinia 360, send me a message.
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