This Marketing HR Managers list was scrapped from LinkedIn in 2020 and may be outdated. Still, try sending them cold emails. A draft cold email is attached as well.
This was 2020 covid era (good ol’ times…lol). Times have changed. People have switched roles and companies, but the methodology to scrap the contact details stays the same.
And cold emails work better than any profile on any job platform for scenarios where you are looking for a very specific role in a very specific industry. And it was 2020. Since then I have written a lot of cold mails and now I follow a tried and tested method. If you want to learn how to create an effective cold mail, click here to read my post about it.
If you are reading this, I have been in your position multiple times, and trust me, it gets better. Or in Jogging Baboon’s from BoJack Horseman words: “Every day it gets a little easier… But you gotta do it every day — that’s the hard part. But it does get easier.”
Be shameless in asking for help. Do NOT hesitate. People do not think about you as much as you think they do.
Here is a draft which worked for me for your reference
Note: This is a draft that went through multiple variations with each cold email. Your background, skill set, etc are very different from mine, but give it a go.
In case you are switching your industry and require assistance in creating a resume that gets filtered through both the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and the human eyes of HR, click here to read my post about creating a professional resume or move to the end to see my resume prepared in Canva.
Now without further ado…
Subject Line: Resume | <<Your Name>> | Application for <<insert role here>> Roles
(roles: marketing/management/digital marketing/analytics/content writing/etc)
E-mail body:
Hope you and your loved ones are doing well during these Covid times
Last Drawn CTC: INR <<in INR>>Latest Joining Date: Available ImmediatelyCurrent Location: <<enter location here>> (open to relocation)
My expertise lies in interacting effectively with cross-functional
I am available for an interview at any time

Note: In case you are looking for a Product Management course, I would highly recommend joining this cohort-based course – ISB Executive Education – Product Management program
PS: You can connect with me for review or referral discount (link for referral discount)